New Bosnian Draft Laws up for Public Discussion

Mar 30 2010 - 12:44

A public discussion on the Draft Law on Copyrights and Related Rights and the Draft Law on the Collective Management of Copyrights and Related Rights was held in the national assembly in Sarajevo, Bosnia on March 3, 2010.

The event gathered intellectual property attorneys, legal experts, government officials, associations and agencies for protection of copyright and other interested parties.

The current law on copyrights and related rights, which entered into force in April 2002, is not harmonized with the relevant EU legislation and is only partly harmonized with the TRIPS Agreement (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). The two new laws will be harmonized with the EU regulations and international convention and treaties.

The experts agreed that the collective management of copyrights and related rights is not sufficiently regulated under the current law and that it would be better regulated by a separate law.

For more information, please contact Alma Vilic in our Bosnia and Herzegovina office.


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March 2010 News