Moldovan PTO and EPO Cooperating to Develop Effective IP System

Mar 30 2010 - 11:02

On February 8, 2010, Moldovan State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI) delegation signed a cooperation program for 2010–2011 with European Patent Office (EPO), inviting the two institutions to further develop the field of industrial property in Moldova.

One of the main goals of the cooperation is to harmonize national legislation with international and European patent regulations and to strengthen institutional capacities of the Moldovan IPO.

The program will also ensure continuity in joint projects that have already begun, specifically regarding the strengthening of the national patent system. Moldova intends to rebuild its system on best practices used by other EPO member states and train its specialists accordingly.

On a different subject, a consortium formed by the Romanian PTO (OSIM) and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) has recently won the bid for the project organized by the Delegation of the European Commission to Moldova, aiming to support implementation and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Moldova.

The beneficiaries are the Moldovan State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI), The Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Ministry of Economy and Commerce and the Customs Service. The bid was open to all EU member states.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic or Marius Ciobanasu in our Balkan Regional and Romanian offices.

Source: Moldovan and Romanian IPOs

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March 2010 News