Kyrgyzstan Leader in Harmonizing National with International IP Standards

Mar 30 2010 - 11:05

On March 3, 2010, during a meeting with the Kyrgyz delegation, Mr. Michal Svantner, WIPO’s senior counselor from the Division for Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, said that the Kyrgyz IP legislation is one of the most progressive in the former Soviet Union.

Both Kyrgyz and WIPO representatives agreed that Kyrgyzstan has evolved in terms of intellectual property in recent years. “We are just beginning to get rid of stereotypes of the Soviet past, when everything belonged to the state, and the word ‘property’ was of a negative sense,” Ulan Melisbek, head of the Kyrgyz IP office noted.

In 2009, the parliament and Kyrgyz IPO did much work on refining the intellectual property legislation and establishing the national IP strategy which WIPO is helping implement.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Kyrgyz IPO

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March 2010 News