New Regulation Regarding Registration and Use of Montenegro Domain

Feb 23 2010 - 11:49

The new Regulation titled Regulation on Procedures for the Registration and Use of the Domain Names Under the National .ME Domain came into force in December 2009, after its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.

The new Regulation outlines the basic conditions for registering and using the Montenegro’s country code top-level domain (ccTLD).

According to the new regulation, international standards and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) will be applied when resolving disputes concerning the registration of domain names. If the dispute is to be resolved through arbitration, the registration agent will designate the arbitration representative with the consent of the ccTLD manager.

As of September 2007, when the .ME domain became active, more than 320,000 .ME domains have been purchased, making it the fastest-selling ccTLD in history. Some addresses such as love.ME and write.ME have become so popular that the representatives of .ME decided to take them off the market and auction them online.

For more information, please contact Jelena Radevic in our Montenegro office.

Source: The Official Gazette; daily newspaper “Vijesti”

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