Macedonian Media Demand End to Unauthorized Republishing of News

Feb 23 2010 - 11:02

The representatives of ten Macedonian print and electronic media signed an initiative on December 24, 2009, urging all news portals and radio stations in Macedonia to stop republishing or airing news and information produced by their media, arguing that this violates the Copyright Law and causes damages by reducing the number of visitors to their websites.

Media representatives demanded that as of February 1, 2010, all owners of news portals republish only the titles and subtitles of their news stories with a direct link to the original news source. They also demanded that the radio stations sign an agreement with them, which will grant them the right to air their news.

Media representatives stressed that they are prepared to protect their interests in court in case the news portals and radio stations do not comply with their request.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska in our Macedonia office.


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