Ten Percent of Car Parts in Romania Counterfeit

Feb 23 2010 - 11:12

According to Renault and its Romanian subsidiary Dacia’s estimates, 10 percent of car parts on the Romanian market are counterfeit, which caused EUR 5 million (USD 7 million) damage to Renault in 2009, the company’s quality and services manager Jean Francois Martin stated at a press conference on February 15, 2010.

According to the data presented during the conference, during the past year and a half, the Romanian customs and border police seized almost 25,000 counterfeit Dacia car parts.

The Romanian Customs reported that out of the 70 million products seized in 2009, which is an increase of 250 percent compared to 2008, the auto parts accounted for less than one percent. Most of the seized car parts originated in China, Bulgaria and Turkey.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Financiarul.ro

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