Anti-Counterfeiting Event Organized in Ukraine

Sep 30 2015 - 13:06

On September 3, the Ukrainian Alliance Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (UAACP) and the Kiev City State Administration, in cooperation with the State Intellectual Property Service, Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property and the State Enterprise Intelzakhyst held an awareness-raising event under the slogan “I buy real! I don’t buy fakes!” as part of the educational campaign against counterfeiting and piracy in Ukraine.

The event took place in downtown Kiev and was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the State Customs Service and forensic examiners.

The visitors had the opportunity to learn about the widespread availability of counterfeit products and the risks associated with using them. Counterfeit products such as clothes, footwear, toys, accessories, cigarettes, razor blades, domestic detergents and agricultural chemicals were placed on display and the visitors received expert advice on how to tell a genuine and counterfeit product apart.

Prepared by: Olga Goncharova

For more information, please contact

Source: State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine

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