Kyrgyzstan to Complete Road Map for Joining Customs Union

Jul 29 2013 - 11:34

Top Kyrgyz officials have recently confirmed that Kyrgyzstan’s road map on the accession to the Customs Union (CU), whose member states are Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, will be completed in August 2013.

The road map is a detailed document that outlines which regulations Kyrgyzstan needs to harmonize with the CU countries, in the fields of intellectual property, customs and trade, among others.

Oleg Pankratov, Kyrgyzstan’s deputy minister of economy, said that the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (SEEC), the highest body governing the CU, is expected to meet in October and December 2013 to review and adopt Kyrgyzstan’s road map.

Kyrgyzstan is expected to join the CU in 2015, but Kyrgyzstan’s President Almazbek Atambayev recently expressed doubts due to the extensive preparatory work that is to be carried out.

“This date is desirable for the country’s leadership. However the desire alone is not enough,” Atambayev said.

Prepared by: Masa Lopicic

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