Romanian Customs Seize Counterfeit Toys, Bags, Car Locks

Jul 29 2013 - 11:02

In the period June 21 — July 9, the Romanian customs officials seized goods believed to be counterfeit the total value of which is approximately EUR 0.4 million (USD 0.5 million).

The seized goods include:

  • 1,900 plush toys bearing the Hello Kitty mark;
  • 580 swimming pools for children bearing the Disney mark;
  • 3,000 car door lock sets bearing the Volkswagen mark;
  • 710 pencil boxes bearing the Gucci mark;
  • Toys bearing Disney, Strawberry, Angry Birds and the Smurfs marks; and
  • Schoolbags, rucksacks and hats bearing Cars, Disney, L&V and Angry Birds marks.

The seizures were made at the port of Constanta, eastern Romania. The goods originated in China and were intended for the Romanian market.

Prepared by: Simona Dragoi

For more information, please contact

Source: Romanian Customs

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