Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine Take Part in INTERPOL-Led Anti-Counterfeiting Operation

Jul 29 2013 - 11:20

Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey participated in a recent operation against counterfeiting and smuggling activities in Europe.

The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) coordinated the operation, called Black Poseidon II, which led to huge seizures of counterfeit and illegal goods and a large number of arrests.

In Poland, the authorities arrested almost 200 people and seized various illegally traded goods worth approximately USD 26 million (EUR 20 million).

In Ukraine, the authorities discovered an illegal tobacco factory, located below ground level, and seized 250,000 packs of counterfeit cigarettes.

In Romania, the authorities seized nearly 22 million cigarettes, 2,150 kilograms of tobacco, as well as 136 vehicles used for smuggling tobacco.

In Turkey, more than 3,000 people were arrested and almost 12 million packs of smuggled cigarettes were confiscated.

Similar operations took place in Africa, Asia and the Americas. In total, about 24 million counterfeit items worth approximately USD 133 million (EUR 101 million) were seized.

The operations were part of INTERPOL’s Trafficking in Illicit Goods and Counterfeiting Program, launched in June 2012.

Prepared by: Masa Lopicic

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