Tablet Computers Protected Under Design Patent in Ukraine

Apr 25 2013 - 12:20

On March 11, 2013, the Ukrainian PTO granted four design patents to Ukrainian resident Dmytro Volodymyrovych Goliusov and one design patent to his brother Kyrylo Volodymyrovych Goliusov. Three of these design patents protect tablet computers.

Aside from tablet computers, the Goliusov brothers hold design patents for screw nails, retaining caps and respirator masks.

In accordance with the current legislation, if the IP rights covered by design patents are recorded in the customs register, companies wishing to import such products into Ukraine have to get an authorization from the IP rights owner.

Such cases are not rare in Ukraine. There is no substantive examination of design applications. For this reason, the local PTO grants design patents if the application meets the formal requirements.

A few months ago, we reported on a similar case ñ clothes hangers becoming protected by a design patent.

Prepared by: Maya Kryvoshei

For more information, please contact

Source: Intelvlas, Ukrainian IP news portal

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