New Official Fees for Eurasian Patents as of January 1, 2013

Dec 27 2012 - 12:15

The Eurasian Patent Office has introduced amendments to the official fees for filing and for the substantive examination of Eurasian patent applications. The new fees will enter into force on January 1, 2013.

The official fee for filing the application for up to five claims remains the same, EUR 650 (USD 860), while the official fee for each additional claim in excess of five has increased from EUR 60 (USD 80) to EUR 90 (USD 120).

The fee for filing a request for substantive examination remains the same, EUR 650 (USD 860), for one invention.

The fee for the second invention amounts to EUR 500 (USD 660), and the fee for the third, fourth and fifth inventions to EUR 250 (USD 330) per invention.

In terms of patent term extensions, the fee for the first and the second month amounts to EUR 28 (USD 37) per month. Each month from the third to the 12th amounts to EUR 42 (USD 55). After the 12th month, each additional month amounts to EUR 56 (USD 74).

The fee payable for an appeal against the decision of refusal has increased from EUR 650 (USD 860) to EUR 1060 (USD 1400).

Prepared by: Djordje Markovic

For more information, please contact Djordje Markovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Liapunov law firm

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