Bulgarian Customs Seize Counterfeit Sports and Luxury Goods, T-Shirts

Dec 27 2012 - 11:46

During regular controls at Bulgaria’s border crossings, the customs officials recently seized a considerable quantity of goods bearing well-known brand names, believed to be counterfeit.

The seized goods include:

  • Over 4,000 sports items (footballs, goalkeeper gloves, boxing gloves) bearing the logos of famous football clubs Manchester United, F.C. Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool, as well as the logo of the boxing and fitness equipment and apparel producer Everlast;

  • Over 5,000 ballpoint pens, fountain pens, pen fillers and wooden displays bearing the mark of Pierre Cardin; and

  • 16,077 counterfeit T-Shirts bearing the mark of Converse.

The goods originated in China, Dubai and Turkey and were intended for the Bulgarian, Romanian and Dutch markets.

Prepared by: Preslav Penev

For more information, please contact bulgaria@petosevic.com.

Source: Bulgarian Customs

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