Macedonian Customs Seize Fake Apparel, Footwear, Eaux de Toilette

Oct 29 2012 - 14:41

During regular controls at Macedonia’s border crossings in the period September 10 – October 7, the customs officials seized a considerable quantity of goods bearing well-known brand names, believed to be counterfeit.

In the week of September 10-16, the Macedonian customs officials seized 128 pairs of sneakers bearing the mark of Adidas; 304 100-ml bottles of eau de toilette bearing the marks of Armani, Adidas and Boss; 863 men’s shirts, women’s blouses, dresses and tights bearing the marks of Zara, Vero Moda, Tommy Hilfiger, Biaggini and Celio; and 68 bags bearing the mark of Chanel.

During the week of September 24-30, the officials seized 1,300 blouses bearing the mark of Tom Tailor; 348 sneakers bearing the mark of Adidas; and 280 men’s shirts and sweatpants bearing the marks of Tom Tailor and Adidas.

In the period October 1-7, the customs officials seized 156 children’s blouses, dresses, jackets and shirts bearing the marks of Zara and Ralph Lauren.

The goods, which were found in trucks with Macedonian, Bulgarian and Turkish license plates, originated in Bulgaria, Turkey, Dubai, the United Arab Emirates and China, and were intended for the Macedonian, Kosovo and Bosnian markets.

Prepared by: Aleksandra Pavlovic

For more information, please contact

Source: Macedonian Customs

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