HP Fights Counterfeiting in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Mar 26 2012 - 12:42

Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), American multinational information technology corporation, has been strengthening measures to combat counterfeiting in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In 2012, the company plans to conduct thorough inspections of their partners’ warehouses as well as their large customers, such as banks, universities and government institutions.

In December 2011, in cooperation with the Ukrainian law-enforcement authorities, HP organized a raid on a factory in the capital of Kiev, where counterfeit cartridges for HP printers were produced. During this operation 200 finished cartridges and four tons of material for production of these counterfeit goods were seized.

For more information, please contact Maya Kryvoshei at our Ukraine office.

Source: Intelvlas, Ukrainian IP news portal

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