Macedonian Customs Seize Fake Air Fresheners, Door Locks, Sneakers

Mar 26 2012 - 12:33

During regular controls at Macedonia’s border crossings in the period February 20 — March 8, the customs officials seized a considerable quantity of goods bearing well-known brand names, believed to be counterfeit.

In the week of February 20-26, the officials seized 3,000 pine tree and bomb-shaped air fresheners, as well as 1,680 door locks bearing the marks BANE and Titan.

On February 28, the officials seized 1,800 pairs of sneakers bearing the mark of Converse All Star, the value of which would have reached EUR 21,205 (USD 27,720), had they been sold on the market as originals. On the same date, the officials also seized 19,800 car air fresheners bearing the marks of BMW, Audi, Mercedes Benz and Julius Sämann Ltd, valued at EUR 11,260 (USD 14,780).

In the week of February 27 – March 4, the officials seized 91 pairs of children’s sneakers bearing the mark of Adidas, and on March 8, 400 textile articles (underwear and T-shirts) bearing the mark of Puma and valued at EUR 1,950 (USD 2,560).

The goods, which were found in vans and trucks with Bulgarian and Macedonian license plates, originated in Bulgaria, China and Turkey, and were intended for the Macedonian and Kosovo markets.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Pavlovic at our Macedonia office.

Source: Macedonian Customs

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