REHAU Gets Well-Known Trademark Status in Ukraine

Sep 21 2010 - 13:43

Ukraine is the first country that has recognized the trademark REHAU as a well-known trademark. REHAU AG+Co, headquartered in Germany, is one of the largest polymer processing companies in the world, manufacturing products used in the construction, automotive, medical and other industries.

The Board of Appeals of the Ukrainian Patent and Trademark Office (UA PTO) acknowledged the mark REHAU as well-known in Ukraine on April 16, 2010. The decision of the Board came into effect on July 7, 2010.

REHAU has been acknowledged as a well-known trademark for products in International Class (IC) 17 (polyvinyl chloride profiles for windows, window frames, doors, door frames, door casings) and IC 19 (polyvinyl chloride systems for windows and doors and polyvinyl chloride door casings).

For more information, please contact Maya Kryvoshei at our Ukraine office.


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September 2010 News