Eighty-two Percent Ukrainian Companies Involved In IPR Disputes

Apr 26 2010 - 11:36

Eighty-two percent of companies operating in Ukraine have been involved in intellectual property rights disputes in the past three years, according to a poll of 62 companies, out of which 69 percent Ukrainian and 31 percent foreign.

Fifty percent of the companies polled encountered trademark infringement, while 33 percent were faced with illegal use of industrial samples.

Around 61 percent of company representatives blamed poor legislation for the insufficient protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine, 32 percent blamed corruption and 26 percent a general lack of awareness about IPR.

The companies participating in the poll commissioned by the Arzinger law firm and conducted by the InMind research company, were from the following sectors: alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, foodstuffs, light industry, household chemicals, agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Ukrainian News Agency

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