Macedonian Customs Seize Counterfeit Technical Goods, Sports Equipment

Jan 20 2010 - 11:28

During regular controls at Macedonia’s border crossings in the period between December 9, 2009 and January 9, 2010, Macedonian customs officials seized a considerable quantity of goods believed to be counterfeit.

On December 9, the officials seized 1,723 items, including mobile phones, PlayStation games, digital camera memory cards and mobile phone accessories bearing the logos of Sony, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and I-Phone.

On December 10 and 11, the officials seized 1,433 car accessories (hubcaps, mud guards and radios) bearing the logos of Volkswagen, Mercedes, Opel, Audi and Panasonic, and 660 mobile phone accessories bearing the logos of Nokia and I-Phone.

On December 12, the officials seized 2,364 wristbands bearing the logos of Adidas and Nike, while on December 15, the officials seized 249 pieces of sports equipment (table tennis tables, bats and balls) bearing the logo of Adidas.

On December 18, the officials seized 200 mobile phone cases and 145 mobile phone chargers bearing the logo of Nokia.

In the week of December 28-January 3, 52 vacuum cleaners bearing the logo of Panasonic were seized.

The goods, originating in Turkey and China, were found in trucks with Macedonian and Turkish license plates and were intended for the Macedonian and Kosovo markets.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska in our Macedonia office.

Source: Macedonian Customs

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