Slovenian Patent Applications Increase in 2009

Jan 20 2010 - 11:20

Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) reported that the number of national patent applications increased by 22 percent in 2009 in comparison to 2008, despite the global economic crisis. In 2009, SIPO received a total of 399 national patent applications, in comparison to 327 in 2008.

According to SIPO, one of the reasons that may have triggered the increase in patent applications is SIPO’s and University of Ljubljana’s initiative to educate small and medium-sized enterprises about the benefits of intellectual property protection.

On the other hand, the number of national applications for trademark and design protection declined by 17 percent and 28 percent respectively. According to SIPO, 1655 trademark and 86 design applications were filed in 2009, while in 2008 these numbers amounted to 1991 and 119 respectively.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: SIPO

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