Bulgarian Company Fined for Unfair Competition

Oct 21 2009 - 13:25

The Bulgarian Unfair Competition Commission has fined a steel rope manufacturer with EUR 12,986 (USD 19,345) for infringing the rights of its competitor.

The defendant, Tros Mar Ltd., and the plaintiff, Demax Trade Ltd., both based in the city of Burgas in southeastern Bulgaria, are competitors in the market of manufacturing and distributing steel and synthetic ropes, stainless steel wire rope systems and freight machinery used in construction and shipbuilding industries.

The plaintiff claims that the defendant has copied the items from its catalog by creating its own by using the same colors and geometrical lines to indicate the specific product parameters. The defendant did not deny scanning pictures from catalogs of various companies, including the catalog belonging to the plaintiff.

According to the Commission, there is a substantial similarity between the two catalogues to fine the defendant for unfair competition.

For more information, please contact Milena Bogoslovova in our Bulgaria Office.

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