Internet Piracy Biggest IP Violation in Macedonia

Oct 21 2009 - 13:13

During the Inter-Regional Symposium for Implementation of the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which took place on October 5 and 6, 2009 in Skopje, it was concluded that Macedonia is making progress in the fight against piracy and counterfeiting.

Over the past few years, Macedonia has made considerable progress and has reduced its piracy rate by five to 10 percent.

Nonetheless, with an overall 68 percent rate of counterfeit and piracy, most of which takes place online, Macedonia is still far from the European average, where the rate of piracy and counterfeiting is below 50 percent.

Compared to the other countries in the region, Macedonia is behind Slovenia and Croatia, holds the same position as Bulgaria, and is better ranked than Serbia in its fight against piracy and counterfeiting.

The Macedonian government has recently adopted the National Strategy on Intellectual Property 2009 – 2012 as part of the activities to build an efficient system for protection of intellectual property rights.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska at our Macedonia office.

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