Ukrainian Cyber Police Bust Massive Fake Sportswear Operation

May 23 2018 - 12:12

The Ukrainian cyber police officials have recently put an end to the mass production and online sale of counterfeit sportswear.

While searching a workshop in the Khmelnitsky region in western Ukraine, they seized approximately 30,000 sportswear items believed to infringe several well-known trademarks, including Levi’s®, Adidas® and Nike®, and estimated to be worth approximately EUR 80,450 (USD 94,670).

The officials searched the office and homes of the three individuals who set up the online sale scheme, and seized computers, sewing equipment, mobile phones, documents, credit cards and over EUR 9,650 (USD 11,350) in cash.

Prepared by: Yulia Kropivka

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Source: Ukrainian cyber police website

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