More National IPR Applications in Hungary in 2020

Jun 7 2021 - 13:33

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) recently published its annual report for 2020, which shows an increase in the number of national applications for most types of IP rights and a decrease in the number of applications for European patent validations and international trademarks designating Hungary.

Compared to 2019, the number of national patent applications increased by 1.3%, the number of supplementary protection certificate applications by 1.8%, the number of design applications by 4.5% (with the number of designs within those applications increasing by 22.6%), and trademark applications by 2.4%. However, the number of applications for European patent validations and international trademarks designating Hungary showed a significant decrease of 11% and 27%, respectively.

At the end of 2020, the number of valid patents in Hungary was 33,566, which is 5% higher than the previous year. The numbers of valid national utility models and trademarks remained stable at 837 and 54,251, respectively, while the number of designs decreased by 9.4% to 3,075. The number of international trademarks designating Hungary decreased by 4% to 80,017. The number of EU trademarks (EUTMs), which are also valid in Hungary, is increasing from year to year – in 2020, the EUIPO received 176,000 EUTM applications (10.2% more than in 2019) and registered more than 153,000 EUTMs (9% more than in 2019).

The annual report also highlights the progress made by the HIPO in digitalizing its operations – during the COVID-19 pandemic, the HIPO encouraged e-filing, e-communication and the use of electronic databases. 60% of trademark applications were filed electronically in 2020, as opposed to 45% in 2019.

Prepared by: Erika Farkas

For more information, please contact

Source: Hungarian Intellectual Property Office website

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