Kazakh Customs Introduces Online Customs Watch Applications

Jan 29 2021 - 12:58

The amendments to the Kazakh customs legislation entered into force on January 16, 2021, introducing an online application system expected to significantly reduce the average timeframe for preparing and filing a Customs Watch Application (CWA).

The applicants have long been required to submit CWAs in paper form, along with a USB flash drive containing all the information included in the paper application. According to the amendments, CWAs and other related documents will soon have to be submitted exclusively via the electronic system and all communication with the customs authorities will also have be conducted electronically.

The electronic filing system and the integrated e-contract system for insurance agreements are still under development and are expected to be launched by the end of March 2021. For the time being, the customs authorities still ask for the submission of applications and insurance agreements in paper form, along with a USB flash drive.

On another important note, right holders are no longer required to submit documents confirming the illegal import of goods bearing their trademark into the Eurasian Economic Union, such as court decisions, customs detention notifications, and other documents issued by state authorities. It is also no longer necessary to file original documents; scanned copies are now sufficient.

Insurance agreements should be arranged in the form of an e-contract between the right holder and the insurance company and submitted through the electronic system, which is integrated with the National Bank of Kazakhstan’s database.

By: Ainur Zhussipova and Aliya Madiyarova

For more information, please contact Ainur Zhussipova or Aliya Madiyarova at our Kazakhstan office.

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