Slovenia Loses EUR 5 Million Yearly Due to Counterfeit Pesticides

Apr 3 2017 - 15:36

In February 2017, the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights published an analysis of the economic costs of counterfeiting in the field of pesticides.

According to the report, approximately 13.8% of direct sales, worth EUR 1.3 billion (USD 1.4 billion), is lost each year due to counterfeit pesticides in the EU. In Slovenia, EUR 5 million (USD 5.4 million), or 17.3% of sales, is lost yearly, which is relatively high in comparison to the EU average of 13.8%.

Pesticides are some of the most regulated products in the market, and only officially authorized pesticides may be used and marketed in the EU.

Prepared by: Barbara Mencin

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Source: EUIPO website

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