Macedonian Customs Office Organizes IP Rights Protection Courses

Feb 28 2017 - 10:35

On February 8 and 9, 2017, the Macedonian Customs Office organized two training courses, the first one focusing on the importance of cooperation and networking for the efficient protection of IP rights, and the second one focusing on protecting and enforcing IP rights on the Internet.

Various institutions in charge of IP protection shared their experience and best practices relating to these topics. Apart from the Customs Office, there were representatives from the Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Agency for Medicines, the State Labor Inspectorate, the State Office of Industrial Property and the Coordinating Body for Intellectual Property.

Both trainings were organized as part of an EU-funded Twinning project aimed at strengthening IP rights enforcement.

Prepared by: Olja Zečević

For more information, please contact

Source: Macedonian online newspaper

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