Kyrgyzstan Simplifies Trade Name Registration Procedure

Nov 30 2016 - 11:45

On August 21, 2016, Kyrgyzstan’s Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts entered into force, abolishing the Law on Trade Names and introducing amendments to the Civil Code and the Law on the Registration of Legal Entities, Subsidiaries and Representative Offices.

The new law simplifies the trade name registration procedure by abolishing the former two-tier system that required a registration with the Ministry of Justice as well as with the Kyrgyz PTO, which, during the examination procedure, had to cooperate with the Ministry of Justice.

The Kyrgyz PTO no longer accepts trade name registration applications and all applications should be addressed to the Ministry of Justice only.

Trade names registered with the Kyrgyz PTO before the entry into force of the new Law will be considered valid provided their respective legal entities continue to exist under the same trade names.

By: Julia Zhevid

For more information, please contact Julia Zhevid at our Russia office.

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