Administrative Instructions on Patent and Trademark Registration Procedures Enter into Force in Kosovo

Sep 28 2016 - 15:41

Following the recent entry into force of four new IP-related administrative instructions, the Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry signed two more IP-related Administrative Instructions, which entered into force this month.

The first AI No. 13/2016, in force as of September 2, 2016, thoroughly describes the procedures such as the filing of a patent application, patent registration, publication and the recording of changes in the register.

The second AI No. 14/2016, in force as of September 7, 2016, clarifies the procedures to be followed and documents to be submitted when taking actions such as filing requests to record changes or renew trademarks. It is important to note that the AI requires a Power of Attorney to be enclosed with each of these requests. The AI also introduces some new provisions, which were not covered by the previous by-law, e.g. provisions describing the procedure to be followed if an observation notice has been filed.

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