Slovenia: Number of Customs Detentions Decrease, Value of Detained Goods Increase in 2015

Mar 31 2016 - 15:56

According to Slovenian Customs’ statistics for 2015, the number of customs detention cases decreased from 4,053 detentions in 2014 to 3,061 detentions in 2015. However, the number of temporary detention cases is still high compared to previous years.

The customs officials detained 3,188,323 suspected counterfeit items, which is six times more than in 2014. The table below, with statistics on detentions of IPR infringing goods for the period 2011-2015, shows that the number of detained items greatly increased in the last three years.

The estimated value of detained counterfeit goods increased to EUR 28.9 million (USD 32.1 million) in 2015, which means that it more than doubled in comparison to 2014 and is also the highest since 2011.

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Infringing items 18,905.522 830,867 198,340 506,460 3.188,323
No. of detentions 497 555 1,334 4,053 3,016
Value in EUR 9.724,015 4.310,459 18.924,304 12.506,013 28.914,338

Most of the suspended shipments contained footwear, clothing, accessories and cosmetics and the majority of detained goods arrived by sea or by post and originated in Hong Kong and China. Many items also came from India and Singapore. Suspended items arriving by mail were usually ordered online and intended for the domestic market, whereas suspected counterfeits arriving by sea were mostly intended for other EU countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Austria).

Prepared by: Barbara Mencin

For more information, please contact

Source: Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia’s Annual Report for 2015

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