Madrid Filing Fee Calculator – WIPO’s New Code for Serbia is RS

Oct 30 2006 - 17:21

Prior to the dissolution of the Union of Serbia and Montengro on June 3, 2006, Madrid Filing Fee calculator designated Serbia and Montenegro with the code YU. The new code is RS and it stands for Republic of Serbia.

Serbia continues as the state and legal entity of the Union and it continues to exercise its rights and to honor all its undertakings under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and under the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement.

As a consequence, all International Registrations which were valid in Serbia & Montenegro before June 3, 2006, when the Union ceased to exist, are now valid in Serbia. Furthermore, any pending designation of Serbia and Montenegro (code YU) will be treated by the International Bureau of WIPO as a designation of Serbia (RS).

With respect to Montenegro, its accession to WIPO did not take place yet and therefore Montenegro does not have its own code. However, we expect that Montenegro’s code will be MN.

With respect to the Romarin database, all records have not yet been converted from YU to RS. It is therefore possible that some records show both designations. Until all records are converted, the searches should be done using both YU and RS.

As of last week, there were 130,882 marks in the Romarin database with YU designation and 1,628 with RS designation.

For more information on Serbia and Montenegro, please contact Ignacio Lazaro.

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