Macedonia customs authorities prepared a draft law on customs measures for the protection of intellectual property rights

Dec 29 2004 - 17:04

The law is expected to enter into force in early 2005.

The draft law in question is in accordance with Regulation No. 1383/2003 of the European Council, dated July 22, 2003. It provides measures that will allow customs authorities to undertake action in order to secure intellectual property rights.

Among other things, the law spells out the actions that the customs authorities would be able to undertake ex officio. In addition, it regulates the requests filed with the customs authorities and the procedures to be followed with the infringing goods. It also addresses the rights, obligations and the responsibilities of the customs authorities and of the rights holder.

In the interim and prior to enforcement of the customs law, the above-mentioned matters will be regulated by the Industrial Property Law of Macedonia.

For more information, please contact our Macedonia representative.

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