Registration Fees for GIs and Patents Reduced in Georgia

Feb 4 2015 - 12:54

In December 2014, the Government of Georgia enacted a resolution reducing the fees for registration of geographical indications and patents.

The registration of a geographical indication now costs approximately USD 60 (EUR 53), down from USD 330 (EUR 294), while the fee for one action has been abolished. The aim of this fee reduction is to stimulate Georgian entrepreneurs and facilitate protection of new appellations of origin and geographical indications.

The Georgian Government also decided to approve a 70 percent discount on the patent fee for applicant inventors, designers, higher educational institutions and independent scientific research units, while students, retired inventors and designers are entitled to a 90 percent discount. The reasoning behind this is that, considering that higher educational and scientific research activities are conducted at higher educational institutions, they have the greatest potential to come up with inventions and utility models.

Prepared by: Aleksandra Pavlovic

For more information, please contact

Source: Georgia PTO

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