Slovenia: Number of Customs Detentions, Value of Detained Goods Increase in 2013

Apr 30 2014 - 11:55

According to the Slovenian Customs’ annual report, in 2013 the Slovenian customs officials detained a total of 198,340 counterfeit and pirated items on 1,334 separate occasions. The total sales value of goods detained in 2013 was estimated at approximately EUR 19 million (USD 26 million).

Although the number of detentions and the value of detained goods significantly increased compared to previous years, the total number of detained items was the lowest since 2010. As a possible explanation, the Customs’ report suggests a larger number of detentions at the main post office in the capital of Ljubljana where the mail containing a smaller number of items arriving from abroad is processed and checked.

In 2013, the most prevalent counterfeit goods were lighters, watches, various accessories, footwear, handbags and toys. Most counterfeits, as in previous years, arrived in Slovenia by sea through the Port of Koper or by mail.

In the table below, you can see the Slovenian Customs’ statistics on the detentions of IPR infringing goods for the period 2010-2013.

The majority of the detained counterfeits originated in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. The goods that arrived at the Port of Koper were mostly in transit and were intended for recipients in other EU countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Austria) and Montenegro. The goods arriving by mail and detained by the Customs at the main post office in Ljubljana were intended for recipients in Slovenia and were purchased by individuals online.

Prepared by: Maja Znidaric and Andrej Bukovnik

For more information, please contact

Source: Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

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