EPO Launches Russian-English Translations, Russia PTO to Use CPC System

Oct 29 2013 - 15:12

The European Patent Office (EPO) has recently enabled translations between English and Russian on its free online automatic translation service Patent Translate.

This initiative will improve cooperation between the EPO and Russia and the former Soviet republics, as it removes language barriers in retrieving patent information.

More than 1.5 million Russian-language patent documents are now available in English via EPO’s patent database and searching service Espacenet. In turn, the Russian-speaking community has access to patent documents in more than 20 other languages.

The EPO and Rospatent have also signed an agreement under which Russia’s PTO will classify its patent documents using the new Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system, jointly developed by the EPO and the United States PTO.

In January 2016, Russia’s PTO will begin classifying patent documents currently being processed, and in 2017 it will begin classifying the already published documents.

More than 45 patent offices from around the world already use the CPC system for prior art searches.

Prepared by: Jelena Jankovic

For more information, please contact mail@petosevic.com.

Source: EPO; Russian PTO

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