Georgia PTO Publishes Special IP Gazette with Geographical Indications

Aug 20 2013 - 12:45

On July 31, Georgia’s National Intellectual Property Center (Sakpatenti) published a special edition of the Official IP Gazette with a list of 172 agricultural and food products that have a protected geographical indication (GI) status in the European Union (EU).

The special edition follows the April 2012 agreement between Georgia and the EU, within the framework of which more than 3,000 EU’s GIs for agricultural products and foodstuffs received protection in Georgia. The list has since grown and therefore the Gazette includes additional 172 GIs that the EU submitted for protection on the territory of Georgia.

The published GIs can be appealed before Sakpatenti’s Board of Appeals within three months from their publication.

Prepared by: Jelena Jankovic

For more information, please contact

Source: Georgia PTO

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