Romanian Customs Seize Counterfeit Toys, Car Parts, Mobile Phones

Feb 27 2013 - 12:04

In the period January 18 — February 13, the Romanian customs officials seized 7,825 items believed to be counterfeit, the total value of which is approximately EUR 346,000 (USD 462,000).

The seized goods included 3,283 plush and plastic toys bearing Thomas & Friends, Disney, Madagascar, Ice Age and Vodafone marks; 466 umbrellas bearing Disney and Angry Birds marks; 3,612 car parts bearing the General Motors mark; 430 mobile phones bearing the iPhone mark, 23 mobile phones bearing the Samsung Galaxy S III mark and 10 mobile phones bearing the Nokia N9 mark.

The seizures were made at the port of Constanta, eastern Romania. The goods originated in China and South Korea and were intended for the Romanian market.

Prepared by: Simona Dragoi

For more information, please contact

Source: Romanian Customs

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