Czech Republic: Average Patent-Processing Period 3.3 Years for Domestic Applicants

Sep 24 2012 - 14:58

The Czech Statistical Office (CSU) has recently released a report on domestic patent applications for the period 2002–2011, which shows that the Czech PTO approved 2,904 patents out of 6,848 patent applications in this period.

The report shows that, during the last 10 years, public universities had the highest patent-approval success rate of 88 percent and an average patent-processing period of 2.3 years. Public research institutions had an 86-percent success rate with an average processing period of less than three years, while Czech companies recorded a 61-percent success rate, with an average processing period of 3.3 years.

Natural persons were least successful in having their patents approved, with a success rate of less than one third and an average processing period of over 3.5 years. According to the CSU, the overall average patent-processing period was 3.3 years.

Prepared by: Aleksandra Pavlovic

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Source: The Prague Monitor online news portal

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