Unlicensed Software Seized in Bulgaria

Apr 26 2012 - 12:07

On April 5, 2012, the Bulgarian authorities, in cooperation with the Business Software Alliance (BSA) representatives, seized unlicensed software during the inspection of two companies, I. EOOD and D.E.K. EOOD in the city of Stara Zagora, southern Bulgaria.

Copies of various computer programs, the copyrights of which belong to the BSA member companies, were found on several computer systems in both companies. As the companies were not able to present documents showing the copies had been legally purchased and used, pre-trial criminal proceedings have been initiated under Article 172a of Bulgaria’s Penal Code and the computer configurations will be considered as evidence.

Author: Preslav Penev

For more information, please contact bulgaria@petosevic.com.

Source: BSA

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