Hungary, Austria, Romania to Establish Danube Patent Institute

Feb 23 2012 - 12:22

Last month the heads of the Hungarian, Austrian and Romanian PTOs met to discuss the establishment of the regional, Central European patent institute in Budapest, to be called the Danube Patent Institute (DPI). According to the project plan, the DPI should become functional in 2013.

Ever since 2009, the Hungarian and the Austrian PTOs have been considering the possibility of establishing a patent institute in Central Europe that would serve as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty for international patent applications filed in the region. The idea is to encourage innovation, research and development in the region and make the search and examination process more efficient.

In April 2011, the two PTOs signed the Joint Declaration of Intent, and shortly thereafter the Romanian PTO also joined the initiative.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Hungarian PTO

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