Estonia Reduces Fee for .ee Domain Name Registration

Dec 27 2011 - 13:35

As of May 2012, the annual fee for registering the Estonian .ee country code top-level domain (ccTLD) will be EUR 17 (USD 22) – VAT not included – which is a 6.5 percent decrease from the previous EUR 18.20 (USD 24), the Estonian Internet Foundation (EIF) informed in a statement released on December 19, 2011.

“Registration of domains has been active and the accruing number of domains allows the fee to be lowered. The EIF is among the EU’s most efficient top-level domain administrators,” Supervisory Board Chairman Marek-Andres Kauts said for ERR News, adding that the new lower fee will be sufficient to cover investments into the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) security application.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Pavlovic at our Macedonia office.

Source: ERR News — Estonian Public Broadcasting; Estonian Internet Foundation (EIF)

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