Change in Individual Fees Under Madrid Protocol for Bulgaria

Oct 28 2011 - 15:41

The new individual fees charged under the Madrid Protocol for international applications designating Bulgaria will enter into force on November 6, 2011.

When Bulgaria is designated in an international application or in a designation subsequent to an international designation, CHF 366 (EUR 297; USD 406) will be charged for three classes of goods or services and CHF 33 (EUR 27; USD 37) for each additional class. For a collective or certification mark, CHF 643 (EUR 521; USD 713) will be charged for three classes of goods or services and CHF 67 (EUR 54; USD 74) for each additional class.

For renewals, CHF 166 (EUR 135; USD 185) will be charged for three classes of goods or services and CHF 33 (EUR 27; USD 37) for each additional class. For a collective or certification mark renewal, CHF 333 (EUR 270; USD 369) will be charged for three classes of goods or services and CHF 67 (EUR 54; USD 74) for each additional class.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: WIPO

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