Kosovo Approves Three New IP Laws

Aug 12 2011 - 17:19

On July 29, 2011, the Kosovo Assembly approved three new laws in the field of industrial property:

  • The Law on Trademarks No. 04/L-026 approved by the Kosovo Parliament on July 29, 2011 and promulgated by the President’s Decree DL-017-2011 on August 9, 2011

  • The Law on Patents No. 04/L-029 approved by the Kosovo Parliament on July 29, 2011 and promulgated by the President’s Decree DL-016-2011 on August 9, 2011

  • The Law on Industrial Designs No. 04/L-028 approved by the Kosovo Parliament on July 29, 2011 and promulgated by the President’s Decree DL-013-2011 on August 9, 2011

The laws will enter into force 15 days after they are published in the Official Gazette. It is estimated that these laws will enter into force early September.

More details about the new laws will follow by the end of this month.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Kosovo Assembly

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