Russia’s Media Company Combats Illegal Online Content

Jul 25 2011 - 13:27

Last month Russia’s leading media company CTC Media and Russia’s most popular social network Vkontakte started a cooperation project that involves removing unauthorized content, which belongs to CTC, from Vkontakte and posting it on CTC Media’s online video platform Videomore, which allows users to watch legal videos free of charge.

CTC Media representatives stated that more than 3,200 videos, whose copyrights belong to CTC Media, were removed from Vkontakte during the first two weeks of the cooperation.

“We started with the replacement of the most popular content, recent CTC Channel premiers, such as ‘Boarding School’, and during this period, the viewership dynamic of this video on the licensed player Videomore has increased by 50 percent, with viewings peaking at 200,000 viewings per day”, said Askar Tuganbaev, CTC Media’s Internet project development director.

Tuganbaev added that CTC Media is planning to start cooperation with other popular social networks in the country and to introduce specialized software that can identify unauthorized content and automatically replace it with legal content.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Broadband TV News

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