Macedonian Customs Detain 18,000 Kilograms of Counterfeit Apparel En Route to Belgium

Apr 27 2011 - 12:06

In March 2011, during an inspection of a truck with Turkish license plates at the Bogorodica border crossing, southern Macedonia, the Macedonian customs officials discovered and detained 32,353 clothing items believed to be counterfeit, weighing approximately 18,000 kilograms and intended for an importer from Belgium.

The detained goods included 3,410 T-shirts bearing the mark of Armani; 1,180 T-shirts and 340 pairs of jeans bearing the logo of Replay; 560 T-shirts bearing the logo of Cavalli; 1,120 T-shirts and 1,160 tracksuits bearing the mark of Gucci; 330 T-shirts and 448 jackets with the mark of Lacoste; 980 T-shirts bearing the logo of Diesel; 480 T-shirts, 4,870 pairs of tracksuits and 600 pairs of Bermuda shorts bearing the logo of Adidas; 160 pairs of tracksuits, 1,530 pairs of Bermuda shorts, 3,680 T-shirts, and 796 pairs of sneakers with the mark of D&G; 1,240 pairs of jeans, 950 pairs of Bermuda shorts, and 7,965 T-shirts bearing the mark of G-Star; and 480 T-shirts bearing the logo of Louis Vuitton.

Several other detentions were made at various border points in Macedonia in March and early April. The customs officials detained 144 eaux de toilette bearing the mark of Malizia, 12,000 CDs bearing the logo of Princo, 154 pairs of jeans bearing the marks of Diesel and Levis, 114 T-shirts, shirts and tracksuits bearing the logos of Adidas, G-Star, Lacoste, Armani, Kappa and D&G, and six telephone switchboards and 60 telephones bearing the logo of Panasonic. The goods were found in trucks with Macedonian and Turkish license plates, originated in Dubai, China, Turkey and Bulgaria, and were intended for the Macedonian and Kosovo markets.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Pavlovic at our Macedonia office.

Source: Macedonian Customs

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