Increase in National Trademark, Patent, Design Applications in Slovenia

Feb 23 2011 - 10:47

In comparison with 2009, in 2010 in Slovenia the number of national trademark applications increased by 14 percent, the number of national patent applications by 17 percent and the number of national design applications by 70 percent.

This increase might be attributed to the government’s measures to promote innovation and the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office’s (SIPO) efforts to raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property protection.

In the report below, only the applications filed with the SIPO were taken into consideration.

In 2010, SIPO received 465 national patent applications, 452 of which were filed by Slovenian residents and 13 by foreign applicants. Furthermore, it received three European patent applications, 76 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications, 15 supplementary protection certificate (SPC) applications and 1738 requests for entry of European patents into the SIPO register.

The total number of national trademark applications was 1885, among which 1563 filed by Slovenian residents and 322 by foreign applicants. The majority of applications involved pharmaceutical, veterinary and medical products and technical aides, as well as advertising and business management items. Moreover, Slovenian residents filed 264 applications through SIPO for the registration of trademarks abroad.

SIPO received 107 national design applications, mainly for clothing articles and footwear, as well as for metal products and materials.

For more information, please contact Sinja Leskovec at our Slovenia office.

Source: Slovenian IPO

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