Bulgaria Proposes Four New Cyrillic Domain Names

Jul 21 2010 - 13:29

Following the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) rejection of “бг“ as Bulgaria’s Cyrillic country code top-level domain (ccTLD) name, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications recently proposed four new extensions -“българия”, “бгр“, “бул“ and “бя“.

Bulgarians will soon be able to vote for the new domain extensions through the Ministry’s website.

The formerly proposed “бг“ extension was harshly criticized in Bulgaria even before it was submitted to ICANN, which rejected it in May 2010 on the grounds of visual similarities with the Brazilian ccTLD domain .br.

Bulgaria was expected to obtain a Cyrillic domain in September of this year, but the recent ICANN’s refusal is likely to delay this process.

For more information, please contact Milena Bogoslovova at our Bulgaria office.

Source: Novinite

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