Macedonian Police Seize 17 Computers and 20,000 Pirated CDs and DVDs

Nov 24 2009 - 11:42

In an inspection conducted in seven music and movie shops in the town of Gostivar, western Macedonia, on October 21, the police and Public Revenue Service inspectors seized 17 computers and over 20,000 pirated CDs and DVDs.

“Our efforts to put an end to this extremely harmful phenomenon are aimed at reducing the damages suffered by the state. With these operations we want to prove that we take care of industrial property and copyrights,” explained Mite Kostov, chairman of the Coordinating Body for Protection of Industrial and Intellectual Property, which organized this operation.

Over 100,000 pirated discs containing music, movies, and music videos and approximately 20 computers with pirated software have been seized by the authorities in a number of operations conducted in Macedonia since the start of this year.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska at our Macedonia office.

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