German Retailer Successfully Claims Its Trademark in Russia

Sep 25 2009 - 17:10

After years of dispute, in July 2009, the Russian Chamber of Patent Disputes awarded the major German retailer, Aldi Einkauf GmbH (Aldi), the registration of the Aldi trademark.

This decision follows after a lengthy dispute between the German retailer and the local Russian company that registered Aldi mark in 2000, along with other brand names such as Forbes, Interbrand, Samsung, Audi, Bridgestone, etc.

Aldi Einkauf GmBH filed for the registration in summer 2008, when the Aldi trademark registration, belonging to the local Russian company, expired.

Nonetheless, the local Russian company filed for registration renewal in the fall 2008, after the Aldi Einkauf GmBH had already filed its application.

The Russian PTO granted the renewal to the local Russian company in the fall 2008, at which time Aldi Einkauf GmBH filed a cancellation action with the Russian Chamber of Patent Disputes.

In July 2009, the Chamber of Patent Disputes decided to grant the trademark to the German company.

RU MARKS, a company that specializes in trademark registration in Russia, announced that Aldi is now officially the registered mark owned by Aldi Einkauf GmBH in the following classes: 4, 7, 9, 38, 39 and 40. Four more applications are still pending, but are expected to be processed by the end of the year.

According to Vedomosti, the Russian daily business newspaper, Mr. Viktor Chernyshev, the owner of the local Russian company that used to hold the right to the mark Aldi, said in April 2008, that he does not see how he could have violated the rights of Aldi Einkauf GmbH. “How could I have violated any rights when the company is not present in the market? No company — no violation, ” he said, adding that he is always ready to negotiate.

Aldi stands for Albrecht Discount, as it was founded by brothers Theodore and Karl Albrecht. According to Forbes, Aldi’s turnover in 2007 was USD 67 billion.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic in our Balkan Regional Office.

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