Kyrgyz PTO Organizes Anti-Piracy Action

Jul 21 2009 - 14:00

On June 19, 2009, the Kyrgyz Patent Office organized a public destruction of 20,000 pirated CDs and DVDs as part of its “Combat against Piracy” action.

The value of destroyed CDs and DVDs amounts to approximately EUR 16,492 (USD 23,202).

More than 2,000 people participated in the action, and were able to win 1,500 original CDs by exchanging them for pirated ones and by taking part in various competitions and quizzes.

The action, which took place in the capital city of Bishkek, was organized jointly with the City Hall, the Financial Police and the Court Department.

The action was supported by representatives of creative unions, such as the Filmmaker’s Union and the Composer’s Union, as well as by more than 20 local music stars.

For more information, please contact Jovana Miocinovic in our Balkan Regional Office.

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